My husband is going to starve!

Cars, Coffee, and a Badass Ninja Toilet will officially be released on 9/1/17. Yay!

Here is what I know: the ebook and hardback (case laminate) available for pre-order, with a release date of 9/1/17. However, the paperback may be released sooner. Still not sure about that, yet, but I’ll keep you posted.

The audiobook release will depend on me being able to record it. Allow me to explain. I had adult braces put on my teeth today and I’m talking with a lisp. Adult braces are clear brackets with a white wire. My awesome dentist special ordered me some pink rubber bands to go around the brackets, too. My dentist said I’ll get use to the braces and all will be fine. Although, I’m not so sure about the wires stabbing me inside my mouth. I hope she’s right, because after “trying” to eat dinner tonight, I do believe I’ll be eating baby food or nothing at all, for the next eight months.

On the plus side, I shouldn’t have to cook! I’ve been needing to shed a few pounds anyway, so losing a little weight is a huge advantage. Although, my husband might starve in the process. Poor guy! Guess he’ll be eating a lot of take-out and I’ll be eating a lot of applesauce. On second thought, I don’t want my husband to starve, because I really do love him. I’ll buy him some microwaveable frozen meals. It’ll only be for eight months!

Anyhow, I hope I can learn to talk right again so I can start recording the audio. Fingers crossed!

Cars, Coffee, and a Badass Ninja Toilet release date is 9/1/17 and I can’t wait!

Question: Can the poking wires be bent in a way that they won’t poke the inside of my mouth? The dentist office is closed for the next three days. Plus, I was given a small thing of wax for the brackets, but they aren’t bothering me, just the poking wires. Although, my entire mouth is aching and the inside of my mouth is very dry, like all the time. Any advice would be helpful.

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