Readers Favorite Book Review – 5 Stars!

Readers Favorite: Book Reviews and Awards
Reviewed by Rita V for Readers Favorite
5 Stars! October 14, 2011

The Magic of Finkleton is a captivating novel written by K.C. Hilton. Siblings, Robert, Jack and Lizzy, are thrown into a bizarre world of mystery and intrigue when their house is burned down in a disastrous thunderstorm, which happens precisely at the same time their Great Uncle Harry dies, leaving them his home and general store in the perfect picturesque town of Finkleton, England. Finkleton is no ordinary town though; the weather is always mysteriously perfect, the crops are overly abundant and its residents are exceedingly happy. Soon after settling in, the children begin discovering astonishing secrets and unraveling clues that aid them to use their unique abilities to help bring the weather back to failing crops and a nearly destroyed village. Why are there hourglasses hooked up on strings to each individual farm? What is the secret lever? What do the maps and scrolls actually point out? The children must find the courage and strength within themselves to figure out their ancestral secrets and set out on a magical adventure to save Finkelton.

K.C. Hilton brings a powerful punch of magic into a fast-paced older children’s book that does not disappoint. I found it to be inquisitive, exciting, and truly fun to read. It is rare to find a book so intricately written in which the reader is actually encouraged to participate. I loved the use of descriptive words; the plot was full of twists and turns, and the depth of the characters was amazingly accomplished. The cover alone had me enthralled and highly anticipating this lovely read! K.C. creates the perfect recipe of magic, adventure and imagination that are all easy to comprehend for older children on up to adult readers. I very much look forward to reading her next novel, The Return to Finkleton, and sharing these wonderful books with my daughter as she gets older. I can easily see K.C Hilton’s series as either a television series or a film series comparable to Harry Potter, and I do not say that lightly. She is truly a genius in her mad writing skills, and this book portrays to all audiences who love a little magic in their life. This is by far, the best novel I have read all year, and if I could have given it ten stars, I would have. Look out world, here comes K.C. Hilton!

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