Return to Finkleton Audiobook

I’m happy to announce that the audiobook for Return to Finkleton is now available on Audible. Yay! The audiobook was performed by voiceover artist Mr. Jonathan Evans. He did a great job developing the voices for the new characters. Mr. Jonathan Evans is a perfectionist and a master of many voices. He continues to bring the Finkleton characters to life.

Return to Finkleton – Review

5-11-12 Return To Finkleton K. C. Hilton CreateSpace ISBN-13: 978-1469901084 ISBN-10: 1469901080 230 pages (Includes front and back matter) It was exciting for me to visit the village of Finkleton for a second time where there are secrets, magical happenings, perfect weather, and interesting characters. In Return To Finkleton, K. C. Hilton, the author, once again displays her exceptional talent by using her lively imagination, intriguing storyline, and realistic dialog to take readers on an